Each year, Rotary International sets lofty goals for clubs to attain within the Rotary year. They often require extra "work" and when achieved, are a sign of a healthy club. In 2018-19, the Rotary Club of East Jordan achieved a Rotary Citation with Silver Presidential Distinction.
The Rotary Citation recognizes Rotary clubs that support each of our strategic priorities by completing certain activities. Clubs have the entire Rotary year to achieve the citation’s goals. Clubs can receive the Rotary Citation with Presidential Distinction when they achieve the Rotary Citation plus one to three additional goals.
For the 2018-19 Rotary year, East Jordan achieved a Rotary Citation with a silver Presidential Distinction.
The following are the goals that were achieved to obtain this recognition.
Focus and Increase Humanitarian Service
Contribute at least $100 per capita to the Annual Fund
Increase the number of members involved in service projects
Hold an event to raise funds for, or to increase awareness of, Rotary’s work toward polio eradication
Support and Strengthen Clubs
Maintain or improve your club’s retention of current and new members
Achieve a net gain of 1 member
Achieve a net gain in female members
Have at least 60 percent of club members report their birth dates through My Rotary
Enhance Public Image and Awareness
Post successful club projects, with details about activities, volunteer hours, and funds raised, on Rotary Showcase
Use Rotary’s brand guidelines, templates, People of Action campaign materials, and related resources
Sponsor a Youth Exchange student or RYLA participant
Presidential Distinction (Silver)
Achieve a net gain of 5 or more members